Insights into our work
1. Cohort (from 2019 to 2022)
Adeel Ahmed

- +49634128031859
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research interest
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation.
- Scientific Computing
Academic history
- 2019 – 2020: Lecturer Mathematics University of Gujrat Pakistan.
- 2017 – 2019: M.Sc. Computational Mathematics COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. Thesis: „A Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme to Solve a Non-Equilbrium and Non-Isothermal Model of Liquid Chromatography“
- 2012-2016: B.Sc. Applied Mathematics University of Gujrat Pakistan.
Dr. Caroline Ganglo

Research interest
- Floodplain mesocosms
- Biogeochemistry
- Greenhouse gases
- Sediments
Academic history
- Master of Environmental sciences and Engineering; Title: Chromium (III) coordination capacity of chitosan.
- Bachelor of Environmental sciences
- Importance Socio-Économique De Xylopia Aethiopica (Dun) A. Rich. Pour Les Populations Du Sud-Bénin DOI:10.19044/esj.2017.v13n33p187
- Chromium (III) coordination capacity of chitosan DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.01.203
Dr. Verena Gerstle

- +49634128032256
- Building K, Room 1.19
Research interest
- Amphibian ecotoxicology and ecology
- Food web ecology and trophic interaction
- Aquatic ecotoxicology
- Mosquito control agent Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis
- Non-target organisms
Academic history
- 2019 – 2023: PhD student – University of Koblenz-Landau
- 2016 – 2019: M.Sc. Ecotoxicology University of Koblenz-Landau Thesis: “Lethal and sublethal effects of folpet and glyphosate formulations on juvenile European common frogs (Rana temporaria) at field relevant exposure levels”.
- 2012 –2016: B.Sc. Environmental Sciences – University of Koblenz-Landau Thesis: “Effects of TiO2 nanoparticles, UV light and natural organic matter on the acute toxicity of two different pesticides – A study with the test organism Daphnia magna.”
Publications and Presentations
- Lüderwald S, Meyer F, Gerstle V, Friedrichs L, Rolfing K, Bakanov N, Schulz R, Bundschuh M (2019): Reduction of pesticide toxicity under field relevant conditions? The interaction of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, UV, and NOM. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
- Gerstle V, Adams E, & Brühl CA (2019): Lethal and sublethal effects of viticultural pesticides (folpet and glyphosate) on juvenile Rana temporaria. 8th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, Ghent, Belgium (Poster presentation).
Gerstle, V., Manfrin, A., Kolbenschlag, S., Gerken, M., Islam, A. S. M. M. U., Entling, M. H., Bundschuh, M., & Brühl, C. A. (2023). Benthic macroinvertebrate community shifts based on Bti-induced chironomid reduction also decrease Odonata emergence. Environmental Pollution, 316, 120488.
Johanna Girardi

Research interest
- Plant-soil-microbe interactions
- Rhizosphere processes
- Carbon and Nitrogen cycling
- Chemical stressors
Academic history
- October 2019: PhD student at the Department Geoecology and environmental chemistry, University of Koblenz-Landau within the project of SystemLink Topic: The impact of anthropogenic stressors on biogeochemical cycling at the root-microorganism-soil interface.
- 2016-2019: University of Koblenz-Landau Master: Ecotoxicology Thesis: Environmental parameters driving the functional response of soil microbiome in mulching systems based on substrate-induced respiration.
- 2012-2016: Fachhochschule Bingen, Bachelor environmental engineering Thesis: “Comparison of different procedures for the preparation of microplastic particles in freshwater samples “ at Federal institute of hydrology (BfG).
Dr. Maike Huszarik

- +49634128031861
- Building C1, Room 0.04b
Research interest
- Aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology
- Food web ecology and trophic interactions
- DNA Metabarcoding
Academic history
- October 2019: Fast-track Ph.D. student in the SystemLink research training group and in the Ecosystem Analysis research group at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
- October 2018: M.Sc. in Ecotoxicology at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
- Sept. 2014 – April 2018: B.Sc. (Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) Honours Life Sciences and Wildlife Biology at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. (Thesis topic: Effects of jasmonate defences on caterpillar development under elevated carbon dioxide and varied nitrogen fertilization).
Jellian Jamin

- +49634128031860
- Building I, Room 4.30
Research interest
- Analytical Chemistry
- Soil Chemistry
- Physical Chemstriy
- Soil-Plant-Interactions
- NMR Relaxometry
- Rheology
- Environmental Chemistry and Analytics
Academic history
- Bachelor of Science (Chemsitry) at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.
- Master of Sciene (Chemistry) at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Thesis at Karlsruher Instit für Technologie (Collaboration with Tübingen) : Synthesis of Nanoscopic materials via Supercritical Fluid Reactive Deposition and application in sensoric.
- Research assistant student in Prof. Udo Weimars Group at Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen (Research on Semi Conducting Metal Oxide Sensors).
- Jamin, J.; Schreiner, V.C.; Munoz, K.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Schaumann, G.E.; Diehl, D. Copper retention influenced by an invasive and a native plant in riparian soil. Environ. Adv. 2023, 14, 100442;
- Schmitz, D.; Girardi, J.; Jamin, J.; Bundschuh, M.; Geng, B.; Feldmann, R.; Rösch, V.; Riess, K.; Schirmel, J. Copper uptake and its effects on two riparian plant species, the native Urtica doica, and the invasive Fallopia Japonica. Plants 2023, 12, 481.
- Manfrin, A.; Schirmel, J.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Ahmed, A.; Bohde, R.; Brunn, M.; Brühl, C.A.; Buchmann, C.; Burgis, F.; Diehl, D.; Entling, M.H.; Ganglo, C.; Geissler, S.; Gerstle, V.; Girardi, J.P.; Graf, T.; Huszarik, M.; Jamin, J.; Joschko, T.J.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Knäbel, A.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Lorke, A.; Munoz, K.; Ogbeide, C.; Osakpolor, S.E.; Pietz, S.; Riess, K.; Roodt, A.P.; Rovelli, L.; Röder, N.; Rösch, V.; Schaumann, G.E.; Schäfer, R.B.; Schmitt, T.; Schmitz, D.; Schwenk, K.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food-web studies. Bulletin Limnol. Oceanogr. 2023.
- Jamin, J.; Diehl, D.; Meyer, M.; David, J.; Schaumann, G.E.; Buchmann, C. Physico-chemical soil properties affected by invasive plants in southwest Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate) – A case study. Soil Syst. 2022, 6, 93.
- Girardi, J.P.; Korz, S.; Muñoz, K.; Jamin, J.; Schmitz, D.; Rösch, V.; Riess, K.; Schützenmeister, K.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Brunn, M. Nitrification inhibition by polyphenols from invasive Fallopia japonica under copper stress. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2022, 185, 923-934. https://doi:10.1002/jpln.202200255
- Krebs, K.M.; Jamin, J.; Wesemann, L. Reaction of an allylstannylene with adamantyl phosphaalkyne. Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 5933;
Dr. Sara Kolbenschlag

Research interest
- Effects of anthropogenic stressors in aquatic ecosystems
- Riparian food webs (aquatic-terrestrial)
- Subsidy dynamics
- Bottom-up effects
- Insect communities
Academic history
- 2019 – 2023: RTG SystemLink, University Kaiserslautern-Landau.
- 2016 – 2019: Msc. Ecotoxicology, University Koblez-Landau, Topic master thesis: „Do juvenile common toads (Bufo bufo) behaviourally avoid pesticide-contaminated areas?“.
- 2012 – 2016: B. Sc. Biosciences, TU Kaiserslautern, Topic bachelor thesis: „Effects of respiratory chain mutations on petit- and ρ0-cells in Saccharomyces cerevisiae“.
Publications and Presentations contributions
- SETAC GLB Neustadt: Assessing the influence of microgram natural organic carbon levels on cationic polymer toxicity to algal growth.
Dr. Stephen Osakpolor

- +49634128031859
Research interest
- Spatial Ecology
- Environmental modeling
Academic history
- MSc. Environmental Sciences. Thesis: Comparasion of spatial and non-spatial statistical modeling of pesticides in small streams.
- BSc Geography and Regional Planning.
Publications and Presentations
- Osakpolor, S.E.; Manfrin, A.; Leroux, S.J.; Schäfer, R.B. Cascading impacts of changes in subsidy quality on recipient ecosystem functioning. Ecology 2023, e4023.
- Manfrin, A.; Schirmel, J.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Ahmed, A.; Bohde, R.; Brunn, M.; Brühl, C.A.; Buchmann, C.; Burgis, F.; Diehl, D.; Entling, M.H.; Ganglo, C.; Geissler, S.; Gerstle, V.; Girardi, J.P.; Graf, T.; Huszarik, M.; Jamin, J.; Joschko, T.J.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Knäbel, A.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Lorke, A.; Munoz, K.; Ogbeide, C.; Osakpolor, S.E.; Pietz, S.; Riess, K.; Roodt, A.P.; Rovelli, L.; Röder, N.; Rösch, V.; Schaumann, G.E.; Schäfer, R.B.; Schmitt, T.; Schmitz, D.; Schwenk, K.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food-web studies. Bulletin Limnol. Oceanogr. 2023.
- Osakpolor, S.; Kattwinkel, M.; Schirmel, J.; Feckler, A.; Manfrin, A.; Schäfer, R.B. Mini-review of process-based food web models and their application in aquatic-terrestrial meta-ecosystems. Ecol. Model. 2021, 458, 109710.
Dr. Sebastian Pietz

- +49634128031854
- Building C1, Room 0.04
Research interest
- Aquatic-terrestrial linkages
- Food web ecology
- Impacts of (chemical) stressors on these processes
Academic history
- 2019 – 2023: PhD RTG SystemLink, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany.
- 2016-2019: M.Sc. (Ecotoxicology) at the iES Landau, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. Thesis: Effects of heavy metals and temperature fluctuation on the development and emergence of Chironomus riparius in spiked-sediment bioassays.
- 2012-2016: B.Sc. (Env. Sci.) at the iES Landau, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. Thesis: Implications of Thiaclopid on Gammarus fossarum: a 21-day study to determine the relevance of different exposure pathways.
Publications and Presentations
- Pietz, S.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Röder, N.; Roodt, A.P.; Steinmetz, Z.; Manfrin, A.; Schwenk, K.; Schulz, S.; Schäfer, R.B.; Zubrod, J.P.; Bundschuh, M. Subsidy quality affects common riparian web‐building spiders: Consequences of aquatic contamination and food resource. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2023, 42, 1346-1358.
- Manfrin, A.; Schirmel, J.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Ahmed, A.; Bohde, R.; Brunn, M.; Brühl, C.A.; Buchmann, C.; Burgis, F.; Diehl, D.; Entling, M.H.; Ganglo, C.; Geissler, S.; Gerstle, V.; Girardi, J.P.; Graf, T.; Huszarik, M.; Jamin, J.; Joschko, T.J.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Knäbel, A.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Lorke, A.; Munoz, K.; Ogbeide, C.; Osakpolor, S.E.; Pietz, S.; Riess, K.; Roodt, A.P.; Rovelli, L.; Röder, N.; Rösch, V.; Schaumann, G.E.; Schäfer, R.B.; Schmitt, T.; Schmitz, D.; Schwenk, K.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food-web studies. Bulletin Limnol. Oceanogr. 2023.
- Pietz, S.; Kainz, M.J.; Schröder, H.; Manfrin, A.; Schäfer, R.B.; Zubrod, J.P.; bundschuh, M. Metal exposure and sex shape the fatty acid profile of midges and reduce the aquatic subsidy to terrestrial food webs. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 951-962.
- Roodt, A.; Röder, N.; Pietz, S.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Manfrin, A.; Schwenk, K.; Bundschuh, M.; Schulz, R. Emerging midges transport pesticides from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems: importance of compound- and organism-specific parameters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 5478-5488.
- Bundschuh, M.; Pietz, S.; Roodt, A.P.; Kraus, J.M. Contaminant fluxes across ecosystems mediated by aquatic insects. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci. 2022, 53, 1-6.
Englert, D.; Zubrod, J.P.; Pietz, S.; Stefani, S.; Krauss, M.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. Relative importance of dietary uptake and waterborne exposure for a leaf-shredding amphipod exposed to thiacloprid-contaminated leaves. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 16182;
“Effects of an antimicrobial mixture on the leaf-shredding amphipod Gammarus fossarum uder different exposure pathways” 8th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 2019.
“Transcending borders? Effects of heavy metals on the development and emergence of Chironomus riparius in spiked-sediment bioassays” SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, SETAC SciCon, 2020.
Dr. Alex Roodt

- +49634128031909
- Building L, Room 0.09
Research interest
Applied analytical chemistry
Aquatic insects as pesticide vectors in riparian ecosystems
Academic history
- 2016-2018: Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry, University of Pretoria, ZA. Thesis: „A new sampling method for human skin volatile analysis by comprehensive gas chromatography and mass spectrometry“.
2015: Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemistry, University of Pretoria, ZA.
2012–2014: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Pretoria, ZA.
Publications and Presentations
- Huszarik, M.; Roodt, A.P.; Wernicke, T.; Chávez, F.; Metz, A.; Link, M.; Lima-Fernandes, E.; Schulz, R.; Entling, M.H. Increased bat hunting at polluted streams suggests chemical exposure rather than prey shortage. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 905, 167080;
- Pietz, S.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Röder, N.; Roodt, A.P.; Steinmetz, Z.; Manfrin, A.; Schwenk, K.; Schulz, S.; Schäfer, R.B.; Zubrod, J.P.; Bundschuh, M. Subsidy quality affects common riparian web‐building spiders: Consequences of aquatic contamination and food resource. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2023, 42, 1346-1358.
- Roodt, A.P.; Huszarik, M.; Entling, M.H.; Schulz, R. Aquatic-terrestrial transfer of neonicotinoid insecticides in riparian food webs. J. Hazard. Mater. 2023, 455, 131635.
- Manfrin, A.; Schirmel, J.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Ahmed, A.; Bohde, R.; Brunn, M.; Brühl, C.A.; Buchmann, C.; Burgis, F.; Diehl, D.; Entling, M.H.; Ganglo, C.; Geissler, S.; Gerstle, V.; Girardi, J.P.; Graf, T.; Huszarik, M.; Jamin, J.; Joschko, T.J.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Knäbel, A.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Lorke, A.; Munoz, K.; Ogbeide, C.; Osakpolor, S.E.; Pietz, S.; Riess, K.; Roodt, A.P.; Rovelli, L.; Röder, N.; Rösch, V.; Schaumann, G.E.; Schäfer, R.B.; Schmitt, T.; Schmitz, D.; Schwenk, K.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food-web studies. Bulletin Limnol. Oceanogr. 2023.
- Roodt, A.P.; Schaufelberger, S.; Schulz, R. Aquatic-Terrestrial Insecticide Fluxes: Midges as Neonicotinoid Vectors. Toxicol. Chem. 2022, 42, 60-70.
- Roodt, A.; Röder, N.; Pietz, S.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Manfrin, A.; Schwenk, K.; Bundschuh, M.; Schulz, R. Emerging midges transport pesticides from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems: importance of compound- and organism-specific parameters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 5478-5488.
- Bundschuh, M.; Pietz, S.; Roodt, A.P.; Kraus, J.M. Contaminant fluxes across ecosystems mediated by aquatic insects. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci. 2022, 53, 1-6.
Roodt A.P.; Naudé, Y.; Stoltz, A.; Rohwer, E. Human skin volatiles: Passive sampling and GC × GC-ToFMS analysis as a tool to investigate the skin microbiome and interactions with anthropophilic mosquito disease vectors. J. Chromatogr. B 2018, 1097-1098, 83-93;
- Alexis P. Roodt, Yvette Naudé, Anton Stoltz, Egmont R. Rohwer, “A new method for sampling of volatile human skin chemicals in a malaria context for analysis by GC×GC-TOFMS”, The 2nd South African Malaria Research Conference 2016, 27-29 July 2016, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Alexis P. Roodt, Yvette Naudé, Anton Stoltz, Egmont R. Rohwer, “A new approach for the collection and comparison of volatile skin chemicals for analysis by GC×GC- ToFMS”, ISCC & GC×GC conference 2017, 14-19 May 2017, Fort Worth, USA.
Alexis P. Roodt, Yvette Naudé, Anton Stoltz, Egmont R. Rohwer, “A new methodology for passive sampling of human skin volatiles”, ChromSA Student Seminar, 8 September 2017, Pretoria, South Africa.
Alexis P. Roodt, Yvette Naudé, Anton Stoltz, Egmont R. Rohwer, “A new method for the collection and comparison of human skin volatile chemicals” ISSS conference 2017, 19-22 September 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Nina Röder

- +49634128031316
- Building CI, Room 0.04b
Research interest
Adaptation of natural populations to anthropogenic stress
Evolutionary ecotoxicology
Adaptation genomics
Eco-evolutionary dynamics
Academic history
- 2010 – 2017: Studies in Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau.
- 2017: Master of Science, Thesis: “Does fungicide exposure alter interspecific relationships of aquatic leaf – decomposing fungi? A case study using modern biochemical tools”.
Publications and Presentations
- Röder, N.; Stoll, V.S.; Jupke, J.F.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Bundschuh, M.; Theißinger, K.; Schwenk, K. How non-target chironomid communities respond to mosquito control: Integrating DNA metabarcoding and joint species distribution modelling. Sci. Total Environ. 2024, 913, 169735;
- Röder, N.; Schwenk, K. Direct PCR meets high-throughput sequencing – metabarcoding of chironomid communities without DNA extraction. Metabarcoding Metagenom. 2023, 7, e102455.
- Huszarik, M.; Röder, N.; Eberhardt, L.; Kennedy, S.; Krehenwinkel, H.; Schwenk, K.; Entling, M.H. External DNA contamination and efficiency of bleach decontamination for arthropod diet analysis. Environ. DNA 2023, 5, 540-550.
- Pietz, S.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Röder, N.; Roodt, A.P.; Steinmetz, Z.; Manfrin, A.; Schwenk, K.; Schulz, S.; Schäfer, R.B.; Zubrod, J.P.; Bundschuh, M. Subsidy quality affects common riparian web‐building spiders: Consequences of aquatic contamination and food resource. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2023, 42, 1346-1358.
- Manfrin, A.; Schirmel, J.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Ahmed, A.; Bohde, R.; Brunn, M.; Brühl, C.A.; Buchmann, C.; Burgis, F.; Diehl, D.; Entling, M.H.; Ganglo, C.; Geissler, S.; Gerstle, V.; Girardi, J.P.; Graf, T.; Huszarik, M.; Jamin, J.; Joschko, T.J.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Knäbel, A.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Lorke, A.; Munoz, K.; Ogbeide, C.; Osakpolor, S.E.; Pietz, S.; Riess, K.; Roodt, A.P.; Rovelli, L.; Röder, N.; Rösch, V.; Schaumann, G.E.; Schäfer, R.B.; Schmitt, T.; Schmitz, D.; Schwenk, K.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food-web studies. Bulletin Limnol. Oceanogr. 2023.
- Roodt, A.; Röder, N.; Pietz, S.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Manfrin, A.; Schwenk, K.; Bundschuh, M.; Schulz, R. Emerging midges transport pesticides from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems: importance of compound- and organism-specific parameters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 5478-5488.
- Theissinger, K.; Röder, N.; Allgeier, S.; Beermann, A.J.; Brühl, C.A.; Friedrich, A.; Michiels, S.; Schwenk, K. Mosquito control actions affect chironomid diversity in temporary wetlands of the Upper Rhine Valley. Mol. Ecol. 2019, 28, 4300-4316;
- Baudy, P.; Zubrod, J.P.; Konschak, M.; Röder, N.; Baschien, C.; Feckler, A.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. A glance into the black box: Novel species-specific quantitative real-time PCR assays to disentangle aquatic hyphomycete community composition. Fungal Ecol. 2019, 42, 100858; 10.1016/j.funeco.2019.08.002
- Krell, B.; Röder, N.; Link, M.; Gergs, R.; Entling, M.H.; Schäfer, R.B. Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use types. Limnologica 2015, 51, 1-7;
- Röder, N.; Theissinger, K.; Allgeier, S.; Beermann, A.J.; Brühl, C.A.; Friedrich, A.; Michiels, S.; Schwenk, K. (2019): „Metabarcoding enthüllt Effekte von Stechmückenbekämpfung auf Zuckmückengemeinschaften“, poster presentation at the SETAC GLB 24th Annual Meeting in Landau, Germany.
- Röder N, Baudy P, Zubrod JP, Englert D, Konschak M, Baschien C, Schulz R, Bundschuh M (2018): „Does fungicide exposure alter interspecific relationships of aquatic fungi during leaf-decomposition? – A case study using species-specific qPCR assays“, poster presentation at the SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy.
Dr. Daniel Schmitz

Research interest
- Biodiversity
- Global change
- Invasivon ecology
- Conservation biology
Academic history
- since Oct 2019: PhD Student in the Research Training Group SystemLink and in the group of Ecosystem Analysis at the University of Koblenz-Landau
- Oct 2015 – Mar 2019: Master of Science in Biological Sciences at the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Radolfzell, Thesis: Analysis of causes of population change in Lake Constance breeding birds over four censuses
- Oct 2012 – Sep 2015: Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences at the University of Konstanz, Thesis: Exploring leaf and root trait relationships under varying environmental conditions
Publications and Presentations
- Manfrin, A.; Schirmel, J.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Ahmed, A.; Bohde, R.; Brunn, M.; Brühl, C.A.; Buchmann, C.; Burgis, F.; Diehl, D.; Entling, M.H.; Ganglo, C.; Geissler, S.; Gerstle, V.; Girardi, J.P.; Graf, T.; Huszarik, M.; Jamin, J.; Joschko, T.J.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Knäbel, A.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Lorke, A.; Munoz, K.; Ogbeide, C.; Osakpolor, S.E.; Pietz, S.; Riess, K.; Roodt, A.P.; Rovelli, L.; Röder, N.; Rösch, V.; Schaumann, G.E.; Schäfer, R.B.; Schmitt, T.; Schmitz, D.; Schwenk, K.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food-web studies. Bulletin Limnol. Oceanogr. 2023.
- Schmitz, D.; Girardi, J.; Ulrich, E.; Munoz-Sepulveda, K.; Bundschuh, M.; Riess, K.; Schirmel, J. Fallopia japonica and Impatiens glandulifera are colonized by species-poor root-associated fungal communities but have minor impacts on soil properties in riparian habitats. Biol. Invassions 2023, 25, 2199-2218.
- Schmitz, D.; Girardi, J.; Jamin, J.; Bundschuh, M.; Geng, B.; Feldmann, R.; Rösch, V.; Riess, K.; Schirmel, J. Copper uptake and its effects on two riparian plant species, the native Urtica doica, and the invasive Fallopia Japonica. Plants 2023, 12, 481.
- Girardi, J.P.; Korz, S.; Muñoz, K.; Jamin, J.; Schmitz, D.; Rösch, V.; Riess, K.; Schützenmeister, K.; Jungkunst, H.F.; Brunn, M. Nitrification inhibition by polyphenols from invasive Fallopia japonica under copper stress. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2022, 185, 923-934. https://doi:10.1002/jpln.202200255
2. Cohort (from 2022 to 2025)
Aira Sacha Ferrer

- +49634128031859
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research topic
Floodplain C-N dynamics
Research interest
- Aquatic biogeochemistry
- C-N dynamics in the floodplain
Academic history
2011-2015 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of the Philippines
2015-2020 scientific co-worker, University of the Philippines
2020-2022 Master of science in Environmental Chemistry, University of Bayreuth
Since 10/2022 scientific co-worker at the iES Landau, Department of Environment and Soil Chemistry, University of Koblenz-Landau
Elyssa Dubois

- +49634128031854
- Building I, Room 0.03
Research topic
Interactive effects of fungicide contamination and invasive plants on soil and food webs
Research interest
- Microbial ecology
- DNA metabarcoding
- riparian plant communities
Academic history
- 2015-2018: B. Sc. Human, Cell and Molecular Biology, french-german cooperation between Strasbourg and Saarland University
- 2018-2021: M. Sc. Biology/Ecology, TU Kaiserslautern
- As of 2022: PhD student in the Ecosystem Analysis department of Landau University (RPTU), Project SystemLink
Forster D.; Letendu G.; Filker S.; Dubois E.; Wilding T.A.; Stoeck T. Improving eDNA-based protist diversity assessments using networks of amplicon sequence variants. Environ. Microbiol. 2019, 21, 4109-4124;
Tobias Elsässer

- +49634128031859
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research topic
Modelling of aquatic-terrestrial flows
Research interest
- Mathematical modelling in biology
- Metapopulation ecology
- Freshwater ecology
- Scientific computing
- Food webs
Academic history
2013-2017: Bachelor of Science in Bioscience, University of Heidelberg
2017-2020: Master of Science in Molecular Bioscience, Systems Biology major, University of Heidelberg
Since 2022: Group member of Quantitative Landscape Ecolgy and at the University Koblenz-Landau
Aguilera, L.; Bergmann, F.T.; Dalmasso, G.; Elmas, S.; Elsässer, T.; Großeholz, R.; Holzheu, P.; Kalra, P.; Kummer, U.; Sahle, S.; Veith, N. Robustness of frequency vs. amplitude coding of calcium oscillations during changing temperatures. Biophys. Chem. 2019, 245, 17-24;
Ken Mauser

- +49634128031855
- Building I, Room 0.03
Research topic
Top down effects and pollutant system analysis
Research interest
- Pesticide fate
- Analytics
- Non-target organisms
- Mosquito control agent Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis
Academic history
September 2019: B. Sc. Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau
December 2021: M. Sc. Environmental Sciences at the Justus Liebig University Gießen
Since 2022: PhD student at the University of Koblenz-Landau
Franziska Middendorf

- +49634128031861
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research topic
Hydrological effects on riparian food-webs
Research interest
- Food web analysis
- Aquatic-terrestrial linkages
- Aquatic and riparian ecology
- Arthropod and Insect community analysis
Academic history
Since 10/2022: PhD student in the Ecosystem Analysis department of Landau University, Project SystemLink
2020-2022: research assistant at the federal institute of hydrology in the department of animal ecology
2017-2020: M.Sc. Landscape ecology, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (Thesis: Review und
Freilandstudie über den Einfluss von Eisen auf die aquatische Wirbellosenfauna mit dem Schwerpunkt Verockerung)
2013-2017: B.Sc. Biology, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (Thesis: Die invasive Braunalge Sargassum muticum: ein neues Habitat im Niedersächsischen Wattenmeer)
Stéphane Mutel

- +49634128031854
- Building I, Room 0.03
Research topic
Aquatic-terrestrial food-web interactions
Research interest
- Aquatic and riparian ecology
- Community analysis and responses to stressors
- Foodweb and trophic niche analysis
- Top down and bottom-up effects
- Freshwater ecology and river restauration
Academic history
Since 10/22 : PhD student in the SystemLink group at Landau University
2019 – 2022 : Project leader in river restauration programs in conselling company (France)
2016-2018 : Engineering school, specialised in Aquatic Environment Engineering in University of Tours (France)
Internships : IGB Berlin : Baggersee Projekt : Assessing macroinvertebrate communities of gravelpit lakes
Tour du Valat / IGB Berlin : Seasonal variability of diets and trophic niches of two top predators in a drain canal : Wels Catfish and European Eel
2015-2016 : Bachelor Degree : Technical degree in Environmental Science
Agnes Schöndorfer

- +49634128031855
- Building I, Room 0.03
Research topic
Subsidy quality in aquatic-terrestrial foodwebs
Research interest
- Pesticide fate and effects
- Aquatic ecotoxicology
- Aquatic-terrestrial linkages
- Subsidy quality
Academic history
2015-2018: B.Sc. Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen. Thesis: “Bioaccumulation potential of cestodes from marine fish”
2018-2021: M.Sc. Environmental Toxicology, University of Duisburg-Essen. Thesis: “Importance of experimental variables for the outcome of cytogenetic test methods on peripheral human lymphocytes in vitro after X-ray exposure”
Victoria Sophie Stoll

- +49634128031853
- Building I, Room 0.03
Research topic
Aquatic subsidies determine terrestrial bioderversity
Research interest
- DNA metabarcoding
- Adaptation genomics
- Influence of anthropogenic stress on insect communities
- Evolutionary ecotoxicology
Academic history
2019: Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biomedicine, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.Thesis: “Establishment of a system for the seamless modification of FR900359 biosynthesis in Chromobacterium vaccinii MWU205.”
2022: Master of Science in Ecotoxicology, University Koblenz-Landau.
Thesis: “The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis on chironomid community composition, dynamics and synchrony.” Honored by the „Universitätspreis des Freundeskreises Landau 2023“.
Since 2022: PhD student in the DFG-funded project SystemLink and at the Department of Molecular Ecology.
Röder, N.; Stoll, V.S.; Jupke, J.F.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Bundschuh, M.; Theißinger, K.; Schwenk, K. How non-target chironomid communities respond to mosquito control: Integrating DNA metabarcoding and joint species distribution modelling. Sci. Total Environ. 2024, 913, 169735;
Abdullah Rumi Shishir

- +49634128031860
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research topic
Floodplain greenhouse gas emissions
Research interest
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Floodplain biogeochemistry
- Flooding pattern
- Soil textures and sediments
Academic history
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the Islamic University of Technology; Thesis: Solid waste management of Gazipu city using the 3R strategy.
Master of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Koblenz-Landau; Thesis: The assessment of water retention of microaggregate soil with the effect of rainfall.
Anik, M.A.H.; Shishir, A.R.; Islam, P.; Naila, S.N.; Chowdhury, I. M. Sustainable solid waste management through 3R strategy in Gazipur City. Int. J. Environ. Waste Manag. 2018, 22, 228-238;
Franziska Fiolka

- +49634128031854
- Building I, Room 0.03
Research topic
Aquatic-terrestrial pollutant transfer
Research interest
- Aquatic ecotoxicology
- Pesticide exposure
- Aquatic-terrestrial linkages
Academic history
2020: B.Sc. Biological Sciences, University of Konstanz
2022: M.Sc. General Biology, Lund University
Sierra Grange

- +49634128031861
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research topic
Rhizosphere biogeochemistry
Research interest
Academic history
Alanah Kripp

- +49634128031861
- Building I, Room 0.18
Research topic
Aquatic subsidies in terrestrial food webs
Research interest
- Food web analysis
- Spider ecology
- Metabarcoding
- Interactions between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
Academic history
2019-2022: M.Sc. Environmental Science, University of Trier (Thesis: An eDNA metabarcoding based analysis of plant arthropod interactions in a German grassland)
2016-2020: B.Sc. Environmental Science, University of Trier (Thesis: Räumliche und zeitliche Dynamik von Wochenstuben der Zwergfledermaus im Siedlungsbereich)
Publications and Presentations
- Weber, S.; Stothut, M.; Mahla, L.; Kripp, A.; Hirschler, L.; Lenz, N.; Junker, A.; Künzel, S.; Krehenwinkel, H. Plant-derived environmental DNA complements diversity estimated from traditional arthropod monitoring methods but outperforms them detecting plant-arthropod interactions. Mol. Ecol. Resour. 2024, 24, e13900;