From the beginning to today



21.-25. November 2022

21.-25. November 2022: International Conference on Ecological Science in Metz “Ecology and Evolution. New perspectives and societal challenges”

As part of the International Conference on Ecological Science SystemLink PhD students were organising a workshop on the topic “Transfer of anthropogenic STRESS from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems – PERSPECTIVES FROM YOUNG RESEARCHERS”


22 July 2022

Sara Kolbenschlag and Nina Röder won a poster prize at the Young Researchers Symposium in Kaiserslautern.

In the course of the fusion of the TU Kaiserslautern and the University of Landau, young scientists from the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau Campus, were allowed to participate in the symposium for the first time. Although the young scientists from the Landau Campus were outnumbered by the young researchers from Kaiserslautern, they were able to bring home two of the highly coveted prizes for scientific posters. Sara Kolbenschlag won the 1st prize and Nina Röder the 3rd prize. We congratulate them on their success!


20 April 2022

A midge fly can be a source of currently used pesticides for birds, bats. Alexis Roodt and colleagues report in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology that non-biting midge larvae accumulate contemporary pesticides from polluted water and retain the substances into adulthood. Link to article, Press release (in German)